NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited
HKSE: 0777

As a technological leader and top innovator with flair for creativity, NetDragon possesses an array of expertise in eLearning, online gaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mobile applications. With operational know-how in developing a gamified learning ecosystem and rich experience in mobile internet technologies, NetDragon has prominence as a major global player for online mobile learning.

Current partners include Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, Tokyo Shoseki, The University of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, Harvard University and Pearson.

NetDragon has delivered its educational services to more than 1 million classrooms, 2 million teachers and 30 million students in over 100 countries worldwide. We aim to empower the global development of teaching and learning, by our innovative educational technology solutions.


日期: 17/07/2020
時間: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Edmodo網上培訓講座 – 第十八場
主題: 如何在停課期間及新學年開展電子化學習

講者: 獅子會何德心小學 李文萱主任 及 Edmodo認證培訓導師 楊雪賢小姐
– 如何選擇適合的遙距教學平台
– 如何在停課期間開展電子化學習
– 如何準備下學年進行電子化學習
– 前線教師經驗分享
– Edmodo基本操作示範 (自由參與)



