NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited
HKSE: 0777

As a technological leader and top innovator with flair for creativity, NetDragon possesses an array of expertise in eLearning, online gaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mobile applications. With operational know-how in developing a gamified learning ecosystem and rich experience in mobile internet technologies, NetDragon has prominence as a major global player for online mobile learning.

Current partners include Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, Tokyo Shoseki, The University of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, Harvard University and Pearson.

NetDragon has delivered its educational services to more than 1 million classrooms, 2 million teachers and 30 million students in over 100 countries worldwide. We aim to empower the global development of teaching and learning, by our innovative educational technology solutions.


Customised AR learning experience

No need to install extra software to edit – create AR effects just within 3 steps

Web Portal for Editing AR

The AR web editor only requires a computer with network connection. Users can then easily upload and create their AR content, set trackables and the triggered AR effects. Try different combinations of trackables and triggered actions, and to choose the best match to go with your target AR effects.

3D Models Library

With thousands of 3D resources available in 101 AR, you can freely apply them to your AR projects. Simply choose and upload them to optimize the AR effect.

Build an AR learning Community

Users are able to follow, share their creations and view all the AR content of their peers which is ideal for an interactive classroom setting for STEAM education.

Mobile Viewing App

With 101 AR mobile app, you can view your AR project by scanning the AR tracker. While editing your project, you are able to preview and test the result with the app before publish.


Login 101AR with your Edmodo Account. Your AR project is synchronized to your personal cloud automatically, giving access to edit your project anytime and anywhere.

Create your first AR content today!